Friday 27 November 2009


Today's class was about lighting techniques that could be used on a bottle and the effects, below are the pictures taken and setups used.


  • ISO 400

  • F-STOP 5.6

  • SHUTTER SPEED varied from 1/2000s - 1/250s

set up with continuous lighting from behind and underneath, bottle and effect.

lighting: bottom lit
effect: very dark not much detail or definition.

lighting: continuous lighting from bottom and behind but low down.

effect: bottle lit well but lid very dark and not much detail visible.

lighting: top and bottom continuous light

effect: well lit bottle and lid with detail showing clear.

lighting: lit from both left and right

effect: well lit bottle and lid not much definition.

Lighting: up lit with side subtractors and a top reflector

effect: definintion along side of bottle and lid lite ok detail more clear but still quite dark.

lighting: bottom light with black side subtractors

effect: deffinition along sides of bottle but lid quit dark with not much detail showing.

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