Saturday 9 January 2010

GROUP TASK-"from capture to print"

For the group task we were asked to produce one final photograph influenced by one of the following film titles:

  • Breakfast at Tiffany's

  • The Fountain

  • Dead Man's Shoes

  • Dog Day Afternoon

  • A Clockwork Orange

  • Sunset Boulevard

  • Three Colours Red

  • Stand by Me

  • The Thin Red Line

  • Rear Window
The photograph had to be delivered at 300dpi, jpeg. The deadline was 2pm

after carrying out research in the above film titles we decided as a group to us The Fountain as the basis for our photograph.

for part of our research we look at:

  • the trailer for the film, see link below


  • brainstormed

  • used word association

  • resources available to us ie. studio & lighting

  • environment suitable for the picture

the original film poster

our final photograph, which was mainly influenced by using word association and also the movie trailer where the queen of Spain give a ring to a conquistador which symbolises his pledge to finding the Elixir of mortality and the water throught the ring represents the fountain (film title).
our image was achieved by using flash lighting in the studio, the camera was set using a fast shutter speed so to freeze motion, althougt i would of liked to of had a slower shutter and a more rapid water flow which i think would of represented a fountain better but this most probably would of caused the hands to blur.
editing was taken place in lightroom where a vinette was added and then in photoshop we change it to black and white and left the ring in colour to draw your attention to it and make it the focal point of the picture.

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